Online Training for National Socio-Economic Survey (Susenas) Officers, March 2021 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Way Kanan Regency

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Online Training for National Socio-Economic Survey (Susenas) Officers, March 2021

Online Training for National Socio-Economic Survey (Susenas) Officers, March 2021

February 26, 2021 | BPS Activities

BPS of Way Kanan Regency is conducting an online Training for National Socio-Economic Survey Officer Candidates (SUSENAS) in March 2021 using the Zoom meeting. The training is carried out for three days effectively for two waves, namely:

  • Batch I: February 22-24, 2021
    • Class A (participants 18 people)
  • Batch II: 26-28 February 2021
    • Class B (participants 18 people)
    • Class C (participants 19 people)

The National Instructor (Innas) in this training is the Coordinator of Social Statistics for BPS Way Kanan Regency, Yunita Susila S.Si who teaches classes A and B, and the Sub-Coordinator of Statistics for Social Resilience of BPS for Lampung Province, Gita Yudianingsih S.Si., who teaches class C.

It should be noted that susenas is a source of socio-economic data used for:

  1. Planning and evaluation of the National Development Program,
  2. Planning and evaluation of Sectoral Programs (Ministries / Institutions),
  3. Provision of SDGs, RPJMN, and Nawacita indicators.

Susenas is the mother of survey at BPS because it is so important and the number of indicators produced for government planning and evaluation activities both at the national and regional levels. Susenas is held twice a year, namely in March and September. For the March Susenas, the data generated can be used to estimate the district / city level, while the September Susenas can only reach the provincial level.

It is hoped that with the implementation of this training, all prospective Susenas officers will really understand and understand the concepts and definitions of susenas so that quality data will be produced during field implementation.

Badan Pusat Statistik

BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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