Seruti Officer Briefing Quarter 3 and 4 2023 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Way Kanan Regency

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Seruti Officer Briefing Quarter 3 and 4 2023

Seruti Officer Briefing Quarter 3 and 4 2023

September 6, 2023 | BPS Activities

BPS Way Kanan Regency has carried out the 3rd and 4th Quarter 2023 Household Economic Survey (Seruti) Officer Briefing on September 6 2023 in the Way Kanan Regency BPS Hall. The number of participants who took part in the briefing was 24 people consisting of 17 Field Data Collector Officers (PPL) and 7 Field Inspector Officers (PML) with Mrs. Yunita Susila, S.Si. as a material provider.

Seruti Quarter 3 will be implemented during September 2023 while Quarter 4 will be implemented in November 2023.

It is hoped that with this briefing, officers can understand the concepts and definitions presented so that data collection for Seruti Quarters 3 and 4 can run smoothly, on time, and produce quality data
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