Hearing from the Education and Culture Service to the Statistics of Way Kanan Regency - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Way Kanan Regency

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Hearing from the Education and Culture Service to the Statistics of Way Kanan Regency

Hearing from the Education and Culture Service to the Statistics of Way Kanan Regency

February 15, 2024 | Other Activities

In the context of coordination and collaboration in increasing the Human Development Index from the educational dimension in Way Kanan Regency, representatives of the Way Kanan Regency Education and Culture Office held an audience at BPS Way Kanan Regency, Thursday (15/02). The group led by, Sunaryo, S.Pd., M.M (Secretary of the Education and Culture Service) was warmly welcomed by the Head of Statistics of Way Kanan Regency, Jua Mahardhika, S.ST., M.M.

The collaboration between Statistics of Way Kanan Regency and the Way Kanan Regency Education and Culture Office has been going on for a long time and going well. This visit aims to obtain suggestions and input regarding the average length of schooling in Way Kanan Regency, which is one of the components of the Human Development Index (HDI). The program to increase the average length of schooling has been carried out by the Department of Education and Culture through the Package A, B and C pursuit program which has reached almost all sub-districts in Way Kanan.

Various inputs were conveyed directly by the Head of Way Kanan Regency BPS, Jua Mahardhika, S.ST, M.M. assisted by Viky Wijaya, S.Tr.Stat., Citra Tantri Widyaningtyas, S.Sc., and Diana Agustin, S.Tr.Stat. The Input Program includes strengthening monitoring and evaluation of the A, B and C package pursuit program as well as increasing targeting of people who do not yet have a high school diploma through this program.

In closing, Jua Mahardhika, S.ST., M.M. appreciated the success of the program in efforts to increase the average length of schooling. Sunaryo, S.Pd., M.M is also grateful for the time and input provided by Statistics of Way Kanan Regency which was very useful.
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