Poverty Profile September 2022 Lampung Province - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Way Kanan Regency

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Poverty Profile September 2022 Lampung Province

Release Date : January 16, 2023
File Size : 1.59 MB


In September 2022, the number of poor people (population with per capita spending per month below the poverty line) in Lampung reached 995.59 thousand people (11.44 percent), a decrease of 6.82 thousand people compared to conditions in March 2022 which amounted to 1,002.41 thousand people (11.57 percent).

The percentage of urban poor population in September 2022 was 8.34 percent, up 0.03 points compared to March 2022 which was 8.31 percent. Meanwhile, the percentage of poor rural population in September 2022 was 12.96 percent, down 0.18 points compared to March 2022 which was 13.14 percent.

During the period March-September 2022, the number of poor people in urban areas increased by 4.3 thousand people (from 234.78 thousand people in March 2022 to 239.11 thousand people in September 2022). Meanwhile, during the same period, the number of poor people in rural areas decreased by 11.2 thousand people (from 767.63 thousand people in March 2022 to 756.48 thousand people in September 2022).

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