The Consumer Confidence Index (NTP) for Lampung Province in May 2024 was 121.79, an increase of 2.08 points. Meanwhile, the Farm Gate Price (GKP) decreased by 0.42 percent at the farmer level, and the price of Premium Rice at the Mill decreased by 2.22 percent. - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Way Kanan Regency

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The Consumer Confidence Index (NTP) for Lampung Province in May 2024 was 121.79, an increase of 2.08 points. Meanwhile, the Farm Gate Price (GKP) decreased by 0.42 percent at the farmer level, and the price of Premium Rice at the Mill decreased by 2.22 percent.

Release Date : June 3, 2024
File Size : 2.56 MB


In May 2024, the Consumer Confidence Index (NTP) for Lampung Province was 121.79, representing a 2.08 percent increase compared to the previous month. This increase in NTP was due to a 1.82 percent increase in the Farmers' Received Price Index (It) and a 0.25 percent decrease in the Farmers' Paid Price Index (Ib).

The NTP for each subsector in Lampung Province in May 2024 was recorded as follows: Paddy & Other Food Crops Subsector (NTP-P) at 100.54, Horticulture Subsector (NTP-H) at 125.99, Smallholder Plantation Subsector (NTP-Pr) at 153.09, Livestock Subsector (NTP-Pt) at 99.63, Capture Fisheries Subsector (107.79), and Aquaculture Subsector (97.21).

There was a 0.40 percent decrease in the Household Consumption Index (IKRT) in Lampung Province in May 2024, mainly due to a 0.72 percent decrease in the food, beverage, and tobacco group index.

The highest price for rice paddy quality GKP with the Ciherang variety reached Rp5,500.00 per kg in Palas District, South Lampung Regency. Meanwhile, the lowest price for rice paddy quality GKP with the Ciherang variety reached Rp4,500.00 per kg in Penengahan District, South Lampung Regency. These prices are below the reference price (HPP) of Rp5,000.00 per kg.

The price of rice paddy at the farmer level for GKP quality decreased in May 2024. The average price decrease for GKP quality rice paddy at the farmer level was 0.42 percent, from Rp5,001.09 per kg to Rp4,980.26 per kg. Meanwhile, for the same quality group, the price of rice paddy at the milling level decreased by 0.50 percent, from Rp5,110.87 per kg to Rp5,085.53 per kg.

The highest price for milled rice reached Rp14,000.00 per kg for Premium quality. Meanwhile, the lowest price for rice traded this month was Rp10,800.00 per kg for Medium quality rice. The average price of Premium quality milled rice experienced a decrease of 2.22 percent, while the price of Medium quality milled rice decreased by 5.43 percent.

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