The excitement of National Statistics Day 2023 BPS Way Kanan Regency - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Way Kanan Regency

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The excitement of National Statistics Day 2023 BPS Way Kanan Regency

The excitement of National Statistics Day 2023 BPS Way Kanan Regency

September 26, 2023 | Other Activities

Tuesday, September 26 2023 celebrated National Statistics Day (HSN). As a form of celebration for HSN 2023, BPS Way Kanan Regency held a Morning Call. Apart from employees, this rally was also attended by representatives of Way Kanan Regency BPS statistical partners with the Apple Supervisor being the Head of Way Kanan Regency BPS, Jua Mahardhika, SST., M.M.
As a form of appreciation to partners who have contributed to data collection and processing, BPS Way Kanan Regency gave awards to the 3 best field data collection partners and the 3 best processing partners which were given at the end of the roll call.
After the rally was finished, the HSN celebration continued with various competitions which were participated in by Way Kanan Regency BPS employees and partners. On the sidelines of the competition, the winners of the door prize raffle coupons were announced which had previously been distributed to everyone present. Then at the end of the event prizes were also distributed to the participants who won the competition.
Happy National Statistics Day 2023, Quality Statistics for Advanced Indonesia!
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