BPS Way Kanan Attends Way Kanan Regent's Farewell Ceremony - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Way Kanan Regency

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BPS Way Kanan Attends Way Kanan Regent's Farewell Ceremony

BPS Way Kanan Attends Way Kanan Regent's Farewell Ceremony

February 24, 2025 | Other Activities

On Monday, February 24, 2025, the Head of BPS Way Kanan, Mr. Jua Mahardika, S.ST., M.M., attended the farewell ceremony for the Regent of Way Kanan. This activity was held as a form of appreciation for the service of H. Raden Adipati Surya, S.H., M.M. as the Regent of the previous period, as well as a momentum to welcome the new leadership.

The event also marked the change of leadership with the inauguration of the new Regent, Drs. H. Ali Rahman, M.T, together with the Vice Regent, Mrs. Ayu Asalasiyah, S.Ked. This activity was attended by various elements of society, ranging from government officials, TNI, Polri, traditional leaders, religious leaders, community leaders, to representatives of mass organizations, who together provide support and hope for the future of Way Kanan Regency.

BPS Way Kanan expressed its highest appreciation for the synergy and support. We hope that the new leadership can bring positive changes and encourage sustainable development for the welfare of the entire community.
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