Development of the Desa Cinta Statistik (Desa Cantik) of Way Kanan Regency in 2023 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Way Kanan Regency

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Development of the Desa Cinta Statistik (Desa Cantik) of Way Kanan Regency in 2023

Development of the Desa Cinta Statistik (Desa Cantik) of Way Kanan Regency in 2023

October 12, 2023 | Other Activities

The Love Statistics Village or better known as the Beautiful Village is a form of BPS responsibility in providing sectoral statistics guidance to village officials. The aim of this program is to increase literacy, awareness and the active role of village/subdistrict officials and the community in carrying out statistical activities, standardize statistical data management to maintain the quality and comparability of statistical indicators, optimize the use and utilization of statistical data so that development programs in villages/subdistricts are right on target. , establishing statistical agents at the village/sub-district level.

This year, there are 2 villages in Way Kanan Regency where beautiful village development will be carried out, namely Setia Negara Village, Baradatu District and Bumi Baru Village, Blambangan Umpu District. The coaching for Setia Negara Village was carried out on Wednesday, October 11 2023 at the Setia Negara Village Office. Meanwhile, for Kampung Bumi Baru it will be held on Thursday, 12 October 2023 at the Kampung Bumi Baru Office.

During this activity, the Beautiful Village 2023 award certificate was also handed over to the Head of Setia Negara Village, Mrs. Vera Yulistuti. Meanwhile, Kampung Bumi Baru was handed over to the Secretary of Kampung Bumi Baru, Mr. Achmad Tafroni S. representing the Head of Kampung Bumi Baru.

Apart from that, 2 (two) Statistical Agents were also inaugurated for each village. For Kampung Setia Negara, the statistical agents are Andi Setiawan and Ade Sutinawati. Meanwhile for Kampung Bumi Baru it is Edi Sutikto and Anggi Setiawan.

In this training, material about beautiful villages was delivered by Mr. Haris Sugara, S.E. from BPS Way Kanan Regency.

With good cooperation and coordination from all parties, it is hoped that the Beautiful Village program can run smoothly and be able to provide benefits to the villages that receive guidance.
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