Morning Ceremony of BPS Way Kanan Regency - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Way Kanan Regency

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Morning Ceremony of BPS Way Kanan Regency

Morning Ceremony of BPS Way Kanan Regency

November 18, 2024 | Other Activities

Monday (18/11) BPS Way Kanan Regency held a Morning Apple in the yard of the Way Kanan Regency BPS Office. This apple was attended by all employees with the apple supervisor being Jua Mahardhika, S.ST., M.M. (Head of BPS Way Kanan Regency). This morning apple is a means to ignite the fire of enthusiasm within us. Because if we start the day with a heart full of enthusiasm, then we will see the world brighter, full of opportunities, and ready to face all the challenges that exist.
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