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Supervision of SNLIK Data Collection by the Head of BPS Lampung Province in Way Kanan Regency

Supervision of SNLIK Data Collection by the Head of BPS Lampung Province in Way Kanan Regency

Supervision of SNLIK Data Collection by the Head of BPS Lampung Province in Way Kanan Regency

January 22, 2024 | BPS Activities

On Tuesday (January 5, 2024), the Head of BPS Lampung Province, Mr. Atas Parlindungan Lubis, S.Si., M.Si. supervising data collection for the National Survey of Financial Literacy and Inclusion (SNLIK) in Way Kanan Regency. Mr. Atas's arrival was warmly welcomed by the Head of Way Kanan Regency BPS, Mr. Jua Mahardhika, S.ST., M.M.

The activity began with a discussion first in the room of the Head of BPS Way Kanan Regency regarding the progress of SNLIK data collection. Then he left for the sample respondent's house in Pisang Baru Village, Bumi Agung District, accompanied by Mr. Jua Mahardhika, S.ST., M.M., Mrs. Yunita Susila, S.Si (Head of the Social Statistics Team), Iqbal Maulana, A.Md. Stat (SNLIK Supervisor who is also BPS Way Kanan staff), and Delvira Cindy Rosmilda, S.Tr.Stat (Head of the Public Relations Team).

SNLIK supervision aims to ensure that the survey implementation process in the field complies with existing SOPs and methodologies, so that the accuracy of the data produced can be accounted for.

The 2024 SNLIK activities are currently entering the stage of collecting sample household data until February 5, 2024.
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