BPS Way Kanan Regency Conducts Way Kanan Greeting Dialogue Together with RRI - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Way Kanan Regency

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BPS Way Kanan Regency Conducts Way Kanan Greeting Dialogue Together with RRI

BPS Way Kanan Regency Conducts Way Kanan Greeting Dialogue Together with RRI

August 21, 2024 | Other Activities

Hello Data Friends! Wednesday (21/08) Way Kanan Regency Central Bureau of Statistics conducted the Way Kanan Menyapa Dialogue together with Radio Republik Indonesia (RRI) Way Kanan. This dialogue was guided by Dewi Agustinasari as the host of RRI Way Kanan with resource person Jua Mahardhika, S.ST., M.M. as Head of BPS Way Kanan Regency. The theme of the Way Kanan Menyapa Dialogue this time discussed “Way Kanan Inflation Development”.

Jua explained that inflation calculation in Lampung Province is only carried out by 4 districts / cities, namely Bandar Lampung, Metro, East Lampung and Mesuji. Way Kanan Regency does not calculate inflation because to calculate the inflation rate requires data on household consumption commodity packages, which can be obtained from the Cost of Living Survey which is carried out every month for 1 year, and requires a large enough budget. Therefore, to help the Way Kanan Regency Government with inflation, it uses the IPH (Price Change Index) figure.
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