National Labor Force Survey Officer Training (Sakernas) February 2023 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Way Kanan Regency

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National Labor Force Survey Officer Training (Sakernas) February 2023

National Labor Force Survey Officer Training (Sakernas) February 2023

January 20, 2023 | BPS Activities

The National Labor Force Survey, or better known as Sakernas, is a survey conducted by the Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS) specifically designed to collect employment data. Specifically, Sakernas aims to obtain data estimates on the number of working population, the number of unemployed and other indicators as well as developments at the national, provincial and other district/city levels. Sakernas is held semiannually, namely Semester I in February and Semester II in August.

BPS Way Kanan Regency on January 19-20 2023 held the February 2023 National Labor Force Survey Officer Training (Sakernas) at the Al Haadii Syariah Baradatu Hotel. There were 10 officers who participated in this training, consisting of 7 Field Data Collection Officers (PPL) and 3 Field Supervisor Officers (PML). This time the Regional Training Instructor is Yunita Susila S.Si. This training aims to provide understanding to prospective officers regarding the implementation of data collection in the field starting from the concepts, methodologies and procedures for collecting data in the field that are good and correct so that quality employment data is obtained.

It is hoped that participants in this training can understand the material presented by regional instructors well so that data collection can run smoothly, on time and with quality.

Implementation of the February 2023 Sakernas begins on January 26 2023 – February 7 2023) for household updating activities and on February 8 to 28 2023 for sample household enumeration activities.

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