BPS Way Kanan Regency has completed implementing the Sakernas Update Stages for February 2023 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Way Kanan Regency

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BPS Way Kanan Regency has completed implementing the Sakernas Update Stages for February 2023

BPS Way Kanan Regency has completed implementing the Sakernas Update Stages for February 2023

February 7, 2023 | BPS Activities

The National Labor Force Survey, or better known as Sakernas, is a survey conducted by the Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS) specifically designed to collect employment data. Specifically, Sakernas aims to obtain data estimates on the number of working population, the number of unemployed and other indicators as well as developments at the national, provincial and other district/city levels. Sakernas is held semiannually, namely Semester I in February and Semester II in August.

Prior to household enumeration, the initial stage in implementing Sakernas was updating/updating households. In the update stage, data collection is carried out for all households in the selected census block. This update is important because it contains variables that will be used as the basis for sampling.

BPS Way Kanan Regency has completed the updating phase on February 7, 2023. This updating activity was carried out in coordination with village officials and the local RT head regarding the boundaries of areas included in the scope and location of households to be enumerated. The updating officer must door to door visit households on the update list and if there are families/households that are not yet on the list, they must be added. The officer must identify and check the whereabouts of the household, whether the household is found, changes the head of the household, moves within/out of the census block, joins other households, new household or not found.

It is hoped that from this household updating activity, the resulting data will be of high quality so that a representative sample of households is obtained.

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