Price Range Data Collection for Susenas March 2023 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Way Kanan Regency

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Price Range Data Collection for Susenas March 2023

Price Range Data Collection for Susenas March 2023

February 15, 2023 | BPS Activities

The National Socioeconomic Survey (Susenas) is a survey activity conducted by the Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS) to collect information related to social, economic and population conditions in an area. Examples of indicators generated from Susenas are the Poverty Rate and Human Development Index (IPM).

Prior to conducting field activities, namely household updating and household data collection, price range (RH) data was collected and commodity standard unit conversions were carried out. This activity aims to obtain the maximum and minimum prices of various kinds of commodities consumed by the public. The results of the price range data collection will be used as a control for data on the value of commodities consumed by households at the time of data collection. Meanwhile, conversion of standard units can make it easier for officers to convert local units (canting, tie, comb, etc.) to standard units (kg, liters, etc.) of the quantity of commodities consumed by households. Respondents who were the targets of this activity were shops, basic food stalls, traders in traditional markets, mobile vendors, and minimarkets/supermarkets.

It is hoped that with accurate data collection on commodity price ranges, the March 2023 Susenas enumeration activities can produce quality data.

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